OIM User Id Customization :
To compile the adapter, the following steps must be executed:
1. Create a work folder, let's say c:\work and inside create the following structure:
2. Create a java file in c:\work\com\oracle\events\ named loginuseridgenern.java
3. Copy the source code provided in this document to the java file.
package com.oracle.events;
import java.util.Random;
import java.io.*;
import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet;
import com.thortech.xl.util.logging.LoggerMessages;
import com.thortech.xl.util.logging.LoggerModules;
import com.thortech.util.logging.Logger;
public class loginuseridgenern extends com.thortech.xl.client.events.tcBaseEvent {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggerModules.XL_JAVA_CLIENT);
public loginuseridgenern() {
setEventName("Generating a random userid for a User.");
protected void implementation() throws Exception {
if (getDataObject().isDeleting()) {
if (getDataObject().isUpdating()) {
String generatedLogin= getloginid();
//or try usr_login instead of usr_udf_username
private String getloginid() {
String fl ="";
java.io.FileReader fr = new java.io.FileReader("c:\\Temp\\seq.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String str = br.readLine();
//java.io.FileWriter fw = new java.io.FileWriter("c:\\Temp\\aaa.txt");
int aInt=Integer.parseInt(str)+1;
String seq=String.format("%03d",aInt);
String fn=getDataObject().getString("usr_first_name");
String ln=getDataObject().getString("usr_last_name");
//Find Length of ln
int length=ln.length();
* If Length of The LastName is Less Than 6 Characters Then
* Concate complete Last Name with first Character Of First Name
// fw.write("Userid is :" + fl+ seq);
// fw.flush();
// fw.close();
java.io.FileWriter fw1 = new java.io.FileWriter("c:\\Temp\\seq.txt");
String s = ""+aInt;
}catch(Exception ioex){
System.out.println("eror writing file" + ioex.getMessage());
return fl;
4. In c:\work create a file named compile.bat with the following contents:
set OIM_LIBS=D:\oracle\oimserver\xellerate\lib
set CLASSPATH=%OIM_LIBS%\xlLogger.jar;%OIM_LIBS%\xlDataObjects.jar;%OIM_LIBS%\xlVO.jar;%OIM_LIBS%\xlUtils.jar
javac -classpath %CLASSPATH% com\oracle\events\loginuseridgenern.java
jar cf loginuseridgenern.jar *
5. Run compile.bat and check for any compilation errors.
6. At this point a JAR file named loginuseridgenern.jar will be created in c:\work folder.
Running the Code:
To add the new created event handler to OIM server, perform the following steps:
1. Copy the file loginuseridgenern.jar from c:\work to OIM_HOME\xellerate\EventHandlers
2. Open Design Console and navigate to:
Development Tools -> Business Rule Definition -> Event Handler Manager
3. Create a new Event Handler and specify:
Event Handler Name: loginuseridgenern
Package: com.oracle.events
Pre-Insert: Checked
4. Save the event handler
5. Navigate to Development Tools -> Business Rule Definition -> Data Object Manager
6. Search for "Users" and add the event handler to the Pre-Insert list.
7. Click on event handler name and OK.
8. Save.
From now on, all OIM users that will be created will have a userid with First name first alphabet last name first alphabet and a unique sequence number, regardless the given user id in the Administrative Console, or the userid that comes in some cases, in the reconciliation event.
Execution in OIM design Console:
1.Create users
2.Create User Details
3.UserId with First letter of first name, last name and sequence is generated
4.New User is provisioned to Active Directory
Search This Blog
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Customizing Oracle Identity manager Logo
Customized OIM Logo
1. Go to Jboss_Home/server/default/deploy/xelleratefull.ear and extract the xelleratefull.ear
2. Take a back up of xelleratefull.ear
3. After the xelleratefull.ear is extracted, a folder is created rename the folder to xelleratefull.ear
4. In the xelleratefull.ear folder, extract the xlWepApp.war and go to images folder and replace the image client _logo.gif and put your new image as client_logo.gif
5. Resart the Jboss and login to Admin console
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