Hi All,
I noticed this few times. While making changes in GTC - say from Full recon to incremental recon - UD_TABLE in form designer is missing in design console and we can see the table in The database.
Solution for this is check the FUG table and check the sdk entry for that table and if it is missing add it.
->select * from fug where sdk_key ='1'; - here whatever your sdk_key is for that table.
-> If not there , Add that entry - It goes out sometime.
-> update fug set fug_rowver= '0000000000000000' where sdk_key='1';
-> Also check for
select unique SDL_CURRENT_VERSION,SDL_LABEL, test.sdl.sdk_key
from test.sdk, test.sdl where sdk.sdk_name = 'UD_TEST' and sdk.sdk_key = sdl.sdk_key; (Here test. - where test is schema name)
->update ud_test set ud_test_version = 3;
select unique ud_test_version from test.ud_test;
This will update all the users to the new version - ud_test_version.